Pantheon Research is the only American, FDA Certified manufacturer of electroacupuncture machines using the symmetrical biphasic waveform.
This unique waveform "provides the most physiological effective treatment" for electroacupuncture protocols while also providing the most comfort for patients. (Bruce Pomeranz, author of Basics of Acupuncture).
Apart from providing best treatment, acupuncturists can rely and trust in our electroacupuncture machines because they:
For almost 40 years, Pantheon Research has been perfecting the design and manufacture of electroacupuncture machines exclusively for acupuncturists.
Since initiating the American electroacupuncture industry in 1978, Pantheon Research has helped over 10,000 licensed acupuncturists, throughout the US and Canada, successfully introduce electroacupuncture into their practice.
This has resulted in an estimated 25+ million electroacupuncture patient treatments over this time period.
For more details on our electroacupuncture devices, please click on one of the images below.