Pantheon + Neuropuncture
Pantheon Research’s exclusive, FDA-approved symmetrical biphasic waveform machines offer superior patient comfort and treatment outcomes. Backed by almost 40 years of innovation, Pantheon Research is the acupuncturist’s trusted choice.
Neuropuncture, the authority on neuroscience-based acupuncture, is proud to partner with Pantheon Research, the gold standard in electroacupuncture technology. Together, we’re committed to elevating your practice through advanced training and equipment.
Device Demonstrations
Learn how to operate the FDA-approved Pantheon electro-acupuncture stimulators safely and effectively.
12c Pro Advanced E-Stim
The 12c.Pro Advanced is an 12 channel percutaneous electroacupuncture stimulator. It is the only device on the market with pulse width and wave form control.
Get the Pantheon 12c Pro AdvancedPANTHEON RESEARCH
12c Pro E-Stim
The P12pens is a 12-channel percutaneous electrical nerve stimulator, or PENS device, that is fully compatible with all electroacupuncture and Craig/PENS protocols.
Get the Pantheon 12c ProPANTHEON RESEARCH
8c Pro E-Stim
The 8c.Pro is an eight channel percutaneous electroacupuncture stimulator. Four output channels will deliver the stronger type, classical milliampere strength electrical current. Four will deliver the optional microcurrent waveform.
Get the Pantheon 12c Pro AdvancedMASTERING THE PANTHEON E-STIM
Clinical Pearls and Tips
Elevate your electro-acupuncture practice with our Pantheon E-Stim training. Learn essential skills, including troubleshooting, safety measures, and advanced techniques, to maximize patient benefits.
Clinical Pearls
Join Dr. Corradino, Neuropuncture founder and creator, as he reviews electro-acupuncture clinical pearls and tip to elevate your acupuncture practice.
Communication and Language
By prioritizing effective communication, building strong relationships, and staying informed about medical advancements, you can position yourself as a valuable and respected member of the healthcare community. This will not only enhance your clinical practice but also contribute to the growing acceptance and integration of acupuncture into mainstream healthcare.
FDA and Device Safety
All Pantheon Research devices are FDA-approved in category 510k under product code BWK (Stimulator, Electro-Acupuncture).
Review the FDA's BWK devices
“Learning Neuropuncture has increased my ability to SUCCESSFULLY treat difficult cases well above and beyond how I practiced using the traditional model. The less complex cases improve much more quickly now as well. Learning Neuropuncture has given me the knowledge that I need to educate my patients and other healthcare professionals. My referral base is stemming not only from my patients but their treating physicians as well.”
Bart Vermilya, L.Ac.
Neuropuncture Training
The Neuropuncture Online Training Programs have been specifically created for beginner and advanced acupuncturists who want to stand out from the competition with evidence-based electro-acupuncture prescriptions, 21st century medical language, and a deeper understanding of the neuroscience of acupuncture.
If you are looking to elevate your practice with techniques that are both highly marketable to attract new patients and can help existing patients overcome treatment plateaus, then this online training is for you.
Neuropuncture Foundations
Are you ready to take your acupuncture practice to the next level? Our Neuropuncture Foundations Course offers a comprehensive exploration of neuromodulation, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to achieve exceptional results.
This course delves into the science and theory behind neuromodulation, providing you with a solid foundation to build upon. You’ll also learn proven techniques for applying neuromodulation in your clinical practice, enabling you to treat a wider range of conditions with confidence and effectiveness.
By mastering neuromodulation, you’ll be able to improve patient outcomes and enhance overall satisfaction.

Neuropuncture Foundations Online Membership Program
- NEW Pantheon operations and demonstration on 8c and new 12c
- Clinical Pearls
- 6 electro-acupuncture and medical sciences webinars
- 6 case studies and clinical application webinars
- Over 20 Neuropuncture Electrical Acupuncture Treatment Prescriptions you can use right away
- 1 Language Webinar “Neuropuncture 21st Century Medical Mindset”
- 1 Online Workshop “The Neuropuncture Foundations and Acupuncture Historical Timeline”
- Increase patient satisfaction through consistent, repeatable outcomes
- Access to Dr. Michael Corradino for Foundation content clarification and clinical application
- Unlimited access while you are a subscriber
Only $149 + $99/mo
(regular price $699)
Receive a coupon code via email with a purchase of 8c Pro or 12c Pro E-Stims.
Get a PantheonYou can cancel your membership at any time.

“Neuropuncture training vastly outperforms my traditional acupuncture training. Emphasis on research, clinical outcomes, and the scientific underpinnings of acupuncture through a neuroanatomical mindset sets Neuropuncture apart from traditional training in a number of ways. Chief among them is giving me a firmer grasp on the language and science of acupuncture that allows me to effectively communicate with other healthcare professionals in hospitals or private medical clinics. By viewing acupuncture through the lens of Neuropuncture, I am able to address my patient’s conditions with a greater degree of accuracy and efficacy than with the techniques I was taught in school.”
Johnathan Whitehorn, L.Ac.